He Oranga Hapu
Education, Training, Employment and Whanau Services
The Last Standing Kaupapa Maori Service In the Upper Coromandel as Iwi oranga.
Te Ahi Kaa will never tell whanau what they should do. We believe whanau are the guardians of their own future, the masters of their own destiny. Investments in Whanau Ora will give priority to whanau. Whanau come first, and their needs and aspirations must be recognised. The connections made through whakapapa are integral to supporting self-management and autonomy.
Our strategic direction is outlined in our vision and kaupapa. The combined inputs of the vision of the surrounding Iwi's as articulated by tangata whenua.
Te Ahi Kaa will lead some innovative commissioning the outer areas of Coromandel and are viewed as a leading change agent for whanau transformation and resilience.
Our strategic intent is to place our faith in whanau. We seek to invest in the capacity of whanau to create meaningful change for them and their descendants while retaining tikanga and heritage.